Phone: 316-835-2286
The following fees are due at the time utilities are set up and are nonrefundable:
$100 for gas and water
$50 for water only
$50 if moving in-town residence to in-town residence
Phone: 316-835-2286
Residents must come in person to City Hall with their ID to put utilities in their name.
For details on the following programs please call or stop by City Hall:
Utility Level-Pay Plan (May is sign-up month)
E-Bill - You can choose to receive your bill via email instead of paper
You can email forms to
Cable/Telephone/Internet Service Options
AT&T Telephone (1-800-464-7928)
Cox Cable (1-888-495-0220)
Channel 7 is the City Information Channel
Ideatek (1-855-IDEATEK)
Electric Service: Evergy (1-800-383-1183)
The current consumer confidence report can be found at Consumer Confidence Report
There may be notice of hydrant flushing given in the local newspaper, City Hall Newsletter, utility billing, Facebook, the Community board, or Channel 7. During that time, the water will be rusty and not recommended for laundry purposes. Flush pipes by running cold water till water runs clear.
For details on the following programs please call or stop by City Hall:
Neighborhood Revitalization Program (tax rebate available for eligible home/business owners)
Sidewalk Installation/Replacement Program (call to confirm funds are still available)
The Halstead Newsletter will be printed quarterly and mailed to each utility customer. Any customers that sign up for E-Bills can view the newsletter on our website. Check out our latest Newsletter.
Forms are available in this office. You need to re-register each time you move or change your name. For more information visit the Harvey County Elections Website.
If you have any questions, please call City Hall at 316-835-2286, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (except for holidays).